While the organic label has a lot going for it when it comes to environmental impacts, there is more to food safety than the organic label. Don’t even get me started about those foods labeled “all natural.” Though, for those who saw my newsletter a few weeks ago, you can likely guess what i would preach about. In short, “all natural” is a marketing term that is meaningless when it comes to our health and safety.
Unfortunately the food and supplement regulatory systems in the US are absolutely horrible after decades of de-regulation in multiple federal government agencies.
Last week a new class action lawsuit was raised against Coca-Cola over its Simply Orange Juice which claims to be “all-natural.” This “all naturalness” didn’t stop it from being contaminated by PFAS, aka forever chemicals. This is but one of many examples that highlights how our elected representatives and government regulatory agencies have failed to protect us.
Another example is a recent finding by ConsumerLab.com. ConsumerLab tests a variety of supplements and simple foods used as supplements. In this new example, they tested a variety flax seed, both whole and ground, for contamination, freshness (important when it comes to supplements and foods with high oil content due to fats degrading over time and going rancid), and some other factors. In their new flax seed review, they found contamination of the “all natural” yet toxic heavy metal cadmium. In fact, they found so much contamination that they are expanding their review to include other brands so they can get a better idea of how widespread the cadmium contamination is. This story is not over.
Guess what? The organic label had little to do with the level of cadmium contamination. Carrington Farms Organic Milled Flax Seeds had some of the highest contamination. Bob’s Red Mill Whole Ground Flax Seed Meal was at the upper levels of contamination with the ground flax products they tested. While all brands had some level of contamination, a few brands passed the safety levels while others failed miserably, and others only failed in doses suitable for children. What’s interesting is that many of those that failed, were higher cost and some that passed were brands one might expect to fail, such as the Great Value Ground Flax Seeds sold by Walmart, which passed the cadmium contamination test. Now those who know me, know I’m not a fan of Walmart, so even mentioning them in this way still makes me a bit uneasy but the facts are the facts and I will trust the data and not bash the product due to ideology about what company deserves the most flack. This all goes to show you that simple rules about food being safe because it comes from an expensive grocery store like Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, etc. may be overly simplistic.
These examples showcase exactly why I remain brand neutral and have vowed not to sell supplements or products so I can remain objective about the facts in helping you find better health and eat as safely as possible.
If you are an athlete considering supplements to increase recovery and endurance then check out my blog post on Evidenced Based Supplements for Training Like and Athlete.
Interested in knowing how bone health is more than just about calcium? Check out my last blog post Let’s Talk About Bone Health
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